Set up an openDAQ™ VirtualBox Device simulator
The openDAQ™ VirtualBox image provides a simulated Device that is discoverable by openDAQ™, and can be connected to using the openDAQ™ client. The Device itself outputs two sine wave Signals, with configurable parameters such as the signal amplitude and frequency.
To start, head over to The openDAQ™ downloads page and download the simulator image. Within this guide we will be using VirtualBox to run the simulator.
Running the simulator
Open VirtualBox and import the .ova simulator image by navigating to
. Select the image file and click . -
Start the
image. -
When you see the login screen, the simulator is already running in the background as a service (no login is required).
However, if you do want to login, the credentials are
User: opendaq
,Password: opendaq
Your virtual machine should look similar to this:

Running multiple simulators at once
To run multiple simulated Devices at once, for us to be able to connect to them, they must be set up on a separate network adapter:
Follow Step 1 above to import another virtual machine.
Navigate to VirtualBox
and click Create to create a new network adapter. -
Open the settings for your 2nd virtual machine, and under
switch the adapter to the newly created one.
You should now be able to discover and connect to both simulators.