Setting up (Python)

Pre-built packages of Python bindings for the openDAQ™ SDK are currently only available for:

  • 64-bit Windows

  • x86_64 Linux (built on manylinux 2014, requires GLIBC >= 2.17)

On supported systems you can install it with:

pip install opendaq


Python 3.8-12 for Windows can be downloaded from On Linux it can be installed via the package manager.

Testing the installation

To test the installation, start the Python interactive shell (type python) from the directory where the binaries live and type:

import opendaq as daq

instance = daq.Instance()
for device_info in instance.available_devices:
    print("Name:",, "Connection string:", device_info.connection_string)

When using just a reference module without being connected to a physical device, the expected output will be something similar to:

Name: Device 0 Connection string: daqref://device0
Name: Device 1 Connection string: daqref://device1